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1. 個人資訊使用限制

2. 遵守法律法規

3. 個人資訊的安全管理

4. 處理投訴及查詢

5. 持續改進



The Company hereby discloses the following information based on the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" and our Company's "Personal Information Protection Policy."

1. Purpose of Personal Information Use
The Company will use the personal information we acquire within the scope of the following purposes:

(1) Arrangement, provision, and receipt of travel and other services provided by the Company and its business partners, as well as provision of insurance-related services.
(2) Notification of the Company's campaigns, advertising and promotional activities.
(3) Information provision through various newsletters, direct mail, etc. by the Company.
(4) Request for feedback and opinions after participating in travel or receiving other services.
(5) Handling of inquiries from customers.
(6) Compilation of statistical data, data analysis, service development, and research.
(7) Monitoring, prevention, analysis, and countermeasures against fraudulent activities.
(8) Other purposes associated with the above-mentioned purposes.

2. Personal Information Held by the Company
In order to fulfill our business operations, the Company primarily collects personal information regarding customers as follows. Please note that depending on the specific information, it may not be classified as personal information.
Information about customers and other travelers provided to the Company when customers apply for travel or related services.
Information such as IP addresses used when customers' computers connect to the Internet, information related to the identification of mobile devices, and information obtained when accessing the Company's operated applications or websites, including the type and version of the browser used, operating system, platform, etc. Additionally, information regarding the pages (URLs) viewed, the date and time of access, and information on displayed or searched products.
Other information obtained in relation to the use of the Company's services.
Information related to transaction history in association with identifiable information about customers.
Information related to subscriptions, such as receiving newsletters from the Company.
Information provided by customers for the provision of services other than travel services.

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties (Including Those Outside Japan)
The Company may provide customers' personal information to transportation and accommodation providers, insurance companies, government offices, souvenir shops, duty-free shops, and other entities within the necessary scope for arranging and receiving travel services, conducting procedures for insuring expenses in case of accidents, ensuring the safety of travel, facilitating shopping at souvenir shops and duty-free shops at the travel destination, and other necessary purposes for providing Company services.
In order to prepare for illnesses, accidents, and other incidents during travel, the Company collects personal information of the emergency contact person during the trip. This personal information will be used by the Company if it deems necessary to contact the emergency contact person in the event of illness or other emergencies during the customer's trip. Customers are responsible for obtaining the consent of the emergency contact person regarding the provision of their personal information to the Company.
The Company may provide personal information to third parties without the customer's consent in cases where it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of individuals and obtaining the individual's consent is difficult.

4. Procedures for Disclosure and Other Requests regarding Personal Information
The Company will respond to requests from customers for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use or provision, and erasure of personal information. Before processing these requests, the Company will verify that the requester is the customer or an authorized representative. The Company will handle the requests within a reasonable timeframe and scope, including providing responses, making corrections, additions, or deletions to the information, suspending its use, or erasing it. However, if these actions may hinder the necessary procedures for the services provided by the Company, the Company and its business partners may decline the customer's application or request.
In cases where fulfilling the requests would significantly hinder the proper implementation of the Company's business or would violate laws or Company regulations, the Company may not be able to comply with the requests.

5. Outsourcing of Business Operations
The Company may outsource certain aspects of its business and provide personal information to the outsourcing partners within the necessary scope. In such cases, the Company will enter into contracts regarding the handling of personal information with these outsourcing partners and will properly supervise and periodically check their handling of personal information.

6. Revision of Privacy Policy
The Company may revise this Privacy Policy in whole or in part as necessary. In the case of significant changes, the revised content will be announced on the Company's services. Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the revised Privacy Policy shall take effect from the time it is posted on the Company's services.

7. Other Matters
In addition to the above, there may be separate procedures for the handling of personal information when using each of our services. Furthermore, matters not specified in this Privacy Policy shall be governed by the provisions of this policy regarding the handling of personal information.

8. Use of Cookies
In order to provide better services, we may use cookie technology to collect access information to our website when you access our services. We may also obtain and use non-personally identifiable cookies for our advertising activities, marketing activities, quality improvement of our services and related services, product development and enhancement, system and service improvement, as well as for advertising activities of our business partners.
By utilizing technologies such as cookies and JavaScript, we may collect non-personally identifiable attribute information (limited to information that cannot identify individuals even when combined), device information, user behavior history within this service (accessed URLs, content, referral order, etc.), and location information based on user consent and application when using smartphones and similar devices. However, cookies and user behavior history do not contain any personal information.
You have the option to delete cookies and reject cookie storage on your web browser or device. However, please note that this may result in certain functions of this service not working properly.

Privacy Policy
Effective Date: December 1, 2022

Holiday Travel Co., Ltd.


有關隱私權政策的諮詢,請透過以下地址與我們聯絡:4th Floor, Takamichi Building, 2-15-16 Ningyocho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0013, Japan郵件※ 營業時間:平日10:00 至18:00


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